
Spreading the Thanksgiving Spirit - ALL over the WORLD!

Last year we hosted the first ever Traditional NonTraditional Thanksgiving here in Madrid. Sporting a 22lb/10kilo Turkey, stuffing, salads, casseroles and galore. This year was even more extreme, with a few more guests (included baby hector), more delicious Thanksgiving dishes and an Even BIGGER Bird!!

Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving, and all through the house, all the creatures were stirring, even the .... hosts

Guillaume with the 26.5 lb FRESH bird. 12 kilos!

And that weight was BEFORE the stuffing, and it wasn't frozen, so that's ALL bird!

The pie crust ready for homemade Pumpkin Pie fillings

Turkey is ready to be put in the oven at 5am!

Living room transformed to seat 15 guests!! and a WHOLE LOT of FOOD!

That morning we arose, to hear what was the clatter... OUR first guests were arriving!

Everyone signed the poster Guillaume designed!

The first half of the guests!!! (Photo courtesy of Caralyn)
               Jayme brought our new friend Katherine!! It was so nice having old friends and making new ones!                         (Photo courtesy of Jayme)
 Everyone is here and ready to eat! This years newbies (first Thanksgivings EVER were Ale and Pedro, Jose, and Baby Hector!

Everyone sitting down to eat!

That's a good looking Thanksgiving table right there!
From left around: Anabela, baby Hector, Jayme, Karen, Katherine, David, Vivian, Ale and Pedro, Cari, Caralyn, Edel, Jose Thomas, Katherine, Guillaume and me taking the photo!


 The FOOD!! Oh how it was DELICIOUS!

Turkey is ready!! (Photo courtesy of Caralyn)
Pumpkin Pie! and creamed Corn!
Guillaume's infamous stuffing!
Candy Corn a MUST! (Photo courtesy of Karen)

Edel's tortilla, Jayme's pickel roll ups, Ale's onion rolls and argentine cakes, Caralyn's corn bread and oh so much more! (Photo courtesy of Caralyn)
Guillaume cutting the Turkey to get the party started!

Caralyn's plate! (Photo courtesy of Caralyn)
And as if Thanksgiving wasn't wonderful enough, Anabela made us all a little gift

One of the cute ornaments from Anabela! (Photo courtesy of Karen)

After all the great food, we needed a "digestive walk" in the park! Ping Pong, Rugby, Frisbee, Fido the puppy, and plenty of laughs!

Karen, Jayme and Katherine at the park.

Spanish Beer Pong- don't spill your beer, it must be in your hand at all times during play...

Best Photo Bomb Ever- this year goes to... DAVID

Are we supposed to smile?

Chatting at the park!

 After burning all of those calories, we were ready for DESSERTS and some fun GAMES!!!

Well, when I said I made the pie for David, I at least thought he'd SHARE it. haha

We played charades!! I was so ecstatic someone guessed my extremely difficult card! (Photo courtesy of Karen)

                          Vivian's Charade... I think here she was Albert Einstein... Just Kidding. I have no idea.                                        (Photo courtesy of Karen)

 We continued until well past everyone's bedtimes...

       The last survivors of Thanksgiving for a little game of Cards Against humanity - in Spanish!                           (Thanks MATT Beason for the best card game Ever!)

And finally a picture of us- the tired and HAPPY hosts!

Thanksgiving is always difficult over the big pond and away from our families. I am so glad that Guillaume and I could bring a little piece of warmth to everyone's hearts and make Thanksgiving in Madrid something to remember, enjoy and share with old and new friends alike.

A HUGE Thank You to everyone who came bearing food, gifts, juices, wines, and smiles! Without you, Thanksgiving would have been just a regular ol' dinner. 

Until next time (hopefully I can catch up a bit on blogging after my Grad School Finals release me from their death grip!)



  1. Great read (as always)! And awesome pictures!

    1. Thanks! I enjoyed yours too, and Guillaume loved your photos too! :D
