
Nursery Rhyme Politics

‘He’s a strong man, a great leader and one heck of a bareback rider. Nearly as good as me in all three departments. I’m a little better of course, but wow. Even I’m a little sore after all the riding we did,’ exclaimed Trump, describing his trip to Russia. - David Marrs, The Daily Squat

Nursery Rhyme Politics
Donald and Putin sittin’ in a tree.
K – I – S – S – I – N – G 
First comes love, then comes hate
We’re all gonna make America Great!

Build that wall, make that call
Put up another shopping mall.
It’s no worry, we’re not in trouble
Let’s all live in a giant bubble.

Donald likes peeing, Putin likes eating
Our economy’s gonna take a beating.
You’re not worried, I’m not scared
I’d just rather be eatin by a bear.

But have no fear, our president is…… is…… 
is…… is…… is…… is…… is…… is…… is……
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is…… is…… is…… is…… is…… is…… is………………..

Original post at https://theprose.com/post/127475/nursery-rhyme-politics
Photo courtesy of http://www.dailysquat.com/donald-trump-vladimir-putin-enjoy-riding-bareback-together/ 

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